im数字客户端钱包下载|zac efron

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2024-03-07 22:18:57


夫隆_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心扎克·埃夫隆播报讨论上传视频美国影视男演员收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron),1987年10月18日出生于美国加利福尼亚州圣路易斯奥比斯波,美国影视男演员。2006年主演迪士尼原创电影《歌舞青春》而成名,获得第8届青少年选择奖最佳突破TV明星奖。2007年主演《歌舞青春2》。2008年凭借《发胶》获得第17届MTV电影奖最具突破表演奖;同年主演的电影《歌舞青春3:毕业季》上映,获得第18届MTV电影奖最佳男演员奖。2009年参演《重回十七岁》入围第19届MTV电影奖最佳男演员。2010年参演《查理的生与死》,入围第20届MTV电影奖最佳男演员。2012年凭借《幸运符》获得第14届青少年选择奖最佳剧情/爱情电影男演员。2014年凭借《尴尬时刻》获得第23届MTV电影奖最佳无上装表演奖。2018年,担任第75届金球奖颁奖嘉宾 [1]。本    名扎克·埃夫隆外文名Zac Efron国    籍美国出生地美国,加利福尼亚州,圣路易斯奥比斯波出生日期1987年10月18日毕业院校Arroyo Grande High School [34]星    座天秤座身    高173 cm [2]体    重75 kg [35]经纪公司the Creative Artists Agency [35]代表作品重回十七岁、歌舞青春、幸运符、尴尬时刻、邻居大战职    业演员主要成就第18届MTV电影奖最佳男演员第17届MTV电影奖最具突破表演2017年青少年选择奖最佳喜剧类男演员别    名Zachary David Alexander Efron目录1演艺经历2个人生活3主要作品▪参演电影▪参演电视剧▪音乐单曲4获奖记录5人物评价演艺经历播报编辑扎克·埃夫隆写真2002年,15岁的扎克踏入演艺圈,在一些电视剧中扮演以前客串小角色,先后出演《海岸情缘》和《神奇之旅》。2004年,参演电视剧《海岸情缘》,以及为电视动画片《机器鸡》配音。2006年,扎克参演迪斯尼歌舞电影《歌舞青春》上映,饰演特洛伊·博尔顿首次男主角,因而成名。2007年,继续出演《歌舞青春2》;还与约翰·特拉沃尔塔、米歇尔·菲佛合作出演歌舞影片《发胶》,凭借在《发胶》中的表演,夺得第17届MTV电影奖最具突破表演奖 [3]。2008年,扎克参演电影《歌舞青春3:毕业季》和《我和奥逊·威尔斯》,凭借《歌舞青春3:毕业季》获得第11届青少年选择奖最佳音乐/舞蹈电影男演员和第18届MTV电影奖最佳男演员 [4]。《歌舞青春》男星扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)2009年在第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,扎克与《歌舞青春》的女演员凡妮莎·哈金斯一起登台表演;同年与马修·派瑞合作主演影片《重回十七岁》 [5],获得第19届MTV电影奖最佳男演员的提名与第11届青少年选择奖最佳喜剧电影男演员奖和最佳摇滚明星电影瞬间奖。2010年,扎克连续两年参加奥斯卡颁奖礼 [6];同年主演的电影《查理的生与死》上映。2011年,扎克与米歇尔·菲佛、罗伯特·德尼罗、杰西卡·贝尔、莎拉·杰西卡·帕克等人联袂出演电影《新年前夜》 [7]。2012年,扎克参演了《老雷斯的故事》、《幸运符》、《文科恋曲》、《报童》和《不惜一切》五部电影。凭借《幸运符》中的出色演技 [8],获得第14届青少年选择奖最佳剧情电影男演员和最佳爱情电影男演员。2014年,参加NBC野外生存的真人秀《越野千里》的录制 [9];并主演《邻居大战》和《尴尬时刻》。2015年,出演《我们是你的朋友》。2016年,出演《邻居大战2:姐妹会崛起》、《下流祖父》和《网聘女伴》。2017年,与道恩·强森、亚历珊德拉·达达里奥合作主演电影《海滩救护队》 [10];同年,参演电影《灾难艺术家》 [11];并参演休·杰克曼主演的电影《马戏之王》 [12]。2019年,与马修·麦康纳合作出演的电影《海滩流浪汉》在美国上映 [13];同年,与莉莉·柯林斯、约翰·马尔科维奇合作主演的电影《极端邪恶》在圣丹斯电影节首映 [14-15];同年,确定为动画电影《史酷比》配音 [16]。2022年,参演电影《掘金》播出。 [37]同年,参演电影《铁爪》。 [39]2023年11月17日,主演的Netflix浪漫喜剧电影《全家福》播出,同日,主演的网飞爱情喜剧片《家庭事务》将上线。 [40-41]12月22日,参演的摔跤题材电影《铁爪》在北美上映。 [42-43]2024年3月7日,主演的电影《瑞奇·斯坦尼克》在亚马逊播出 [44-45]。个人生活播报编辑扎克·埃夫隆剧照(13张)名字缘由扎克的姓氏Efron(אפרון),是犹太人姓氏 [17],它是希伯来语,取自圣经中的一个地名 [2]。家庭情况扎克的父亲大卫·埃夫隆是一位电子工程师,还有一个弟弟尼古拉斯·埃夫隆。扎克出生于一个犹太家族,但是他没有宗教信仰,不太奉行犹太教 [18]。扎克的曾祖父母是波兰的犹太移民 [2]。扎克曾经形容自己是犹太人 [19]。感情生活2005年,扎克与美国演员凡妮莎·哈金斯共同主演《歌舞青春》相识后相恋,2010年12月,两人分手 [20]。主要作品播报编辑参演电影瑞奇·斯坦尼克2024-3-7饰演-导演彼得·法雷里主演约翰·塞纳、威廉姆·H·梅西铁爪 [39]2022-12-22饰演Kevin Von Erich导演肖恩·德金主演扎克·埃夫隆、哈里斯·迪金森、莉莉·詹姆斯掘金 [37]2022饰演-导演-主演-有史以来最棒的啤酒 [38]约 2022饰演-导演彼得·法雷利主演罗素·克劳拯救拉夫2021饰演-导演-主演-你的每一次呼吸2021饰演-导演-主演-史酷比2020 [21]饰演Fred Jones (voice) [21]导演Tony Cervone [16]主演-海滩流浪汉2019 [13]饰演Flicker导演哈莫尼·科林主演马修·麦康纳、艾拉·菲舍尔、马丁·劳伦斯极端邪恶2019 [14]饰演Ted Bundy [15]导演乔·伯灵格主演约翰·马尔科维奇、莉莉·柯林斯、吉姆·帕森斯海滩救护队2017饰演Matt Brody [10]导演赛斯·戈登主演道恩·强森、朴雅卡·乔普拉、亚历珊德拉·达达里奥1/4参演电视剧机器鸡2016饰演Anakin Skywalker / Man (voice) [21]导演-主演-海军罪案调查处2006饰演Danny导演-主演-小查与寇弟的顶级生活2006饰演Trevor导演-主演-犯罪现场调查:迈阿密2005饰演Seth Dawson导演-主演-海岸情缘2004饰演Cameron Bale导演-主演-法外情真2004饰演Luke Tomello导演-主演-急诊室的故事2003饰演Bobby Neville导演-主演-萤火虫2002饰演Young Simon导演-主演-替补遥控器 第一季2006饰演-导演-主演-偷天盗影2006饰演-导演-主演-1/2来源 [21] [24] [36]音乐单曲歌曲名称发行时间歌曲简介Now or Never2008歌舞青春2插曲Right here right now2008歌舞青春2插曲Can i have this dance2008歌舞青春2插曲Just wanna be with you2008歌舞青春2插曲Ladies' Choice2007发胶插曲You Can't Stop the Beat2007发胶插曲It Takes Two2007发胶插曲获奖记录播报编辑MTV电影奖获奖时间奖项名称获奖作品获奖结果2017第26届最佳吻戏网聘女伴提名2015第24届最佳无上装表演邻居大战获奖2015第24届最佳银幕搭档邻居大战获奖2015第24届最佳歌舞场面邻居大战提名2015第24届最佳打斗场面邻居大战提名2014第23届最佳无上装表演尴尬时刻获奖2011第20届最佳男演员查理的生与死提名2010第19届最佳男演员重回十七岁提名2009第18届最佳吻戏歌舞青春3:毕业季提名2009第18届最佳男演员歌舞青春3:毕业季获奖2008第17届最具突破表演发胶获奖青少年选择奖获奖时间奖项名称获奖作品获奖结果2018第20届最受欢迎剧情电影男演员 [25]马戏之王获奖2018第20届最受欢迎银幕CP [25]马戏之王获奖2018第20届最佳吻戏 [26]马戏之王提名2018第20届最佳音乐合作 [26]马戏之王获奖2018第20届最性感男明星 [26]提名2017第19届最佳喜剧电影男演员海滩游侠 [27]获奖2013第18届最佳喜剧片男演员邻居大战2:姐妹会崛起 [28]获奖2012第14届最佳电影配音老雷斯的故事提名2012第14届最佳爱情电影男演员幸运符获奖2012第14届最佳剧情电影男演员幸运符获奖2012第14届最佳电影吻戏幸运符提名2011第13届最佳红毯时尚男星获奖2010第12届最佳夏日电影男星查理的生与死提名2009第11届最佳摇滚明星电影瞬间重回十七岁获奖2009第11届最佳电影吻戏歌舞青春3:毕业季提名2009第11届最佳喜剧电影男演员重回十七岁获奖2009第11届最佳音乐/舞蹈电影男演员歌舞青春3:毕业季获奖2007第9届最火辣男星获奖2006第8届最佳突破TV明星歌舞青春获奖2006第8届最佳TV火花歌舞青春获奖人民选择奖获奖时间奖项名称获奖作品获奖结果2017第43届最受欢迎喜剧片男演员提名2015第41届最受欢迎喜剧片男演员提名2013第39届最受欢迎剧情片男演员幸运符获奖2011第37届最受欢迎25岁下影星获奖2008第34届最受欢迎35岁下影星提名来源 [29-30]人物评价播报编辑扎克是一名“严肃演员”,对《歌舞青春》中的迪士尼童星身份表示不屑了 [31]。(Nylon杂志评)他是美国演技好的青少年演员。(导演亚当·山克曼评价) [32]在电影《幸运符》里饰演一位美国海军陆战队中士,扎克在追逐梦想道路上前进的又一大步,也借此让观众看到他已具备驾驭成熟角色的能力 [33]。(中国文化报评)新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000

扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron

扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron



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扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron









演员 / 配音 / 主持人 / 制片人


Zachary David Alexander Efron(本名) / Zefron(昵称) / Hollywood(昵称) / Zacquisha(昵称)




瓦妮莎·哈金斯(前女友) / 米歇尔•罗德里格兹(前女友)






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  扎克·埃夫隆,美国当红小生。因迪斯尼最热门的青春电视电影《歌舞青春》男主角而走红。为突出《歌舞青春》的“音乐剧”为核心的特色,《歌舞青春》的演员是从600多人中海选出来,要求同时具备演唱、跳舞和表演三方面的才能,作为男主角扎克·埃夫隆的才华可见一斑。   在《歌舞青春》系列之后,扎克的戏路似乎并没有就此终止,《重返十七岁》的火爆票房也证明了这位八零后影星的票房号召力。   扎克显然不满足于只作为青少年的偶像或是一位歌舞片特型演员,为了自己成...(展开全部)

  扎克·埃夫隆,美国当红小生。因迪斯尼最热门的青春电视电影《歌舞青春》男主角而走红。为突出《歌舞青春》的“音乐剧”为核心的特色,《歌舞青春》的演员是从600多人中海选出来,要求同时具备演唱、跳舞和表演三方面的才能,作为男主角扎克·埃夫隆的才华可见一斑。   在《歌舞青春》系列之后,扎克的戏路似乎并没有就此终止,《重返十七岁》的火爆票房也证明了这位八零后影星的票房号召力。   扎克显然不满足于只作为青少年的偶像或是一位歌舞片特型演员,为了自己成为一名严肃演员的梦想,他作为主角出演了理查德·林克莱特的《我和奥森·威尔斯》,此片在欧洲颇受好评,并提名多项BAFTA大奖。2010年7月30日在北美上映的感人剧情片《查理·圣克劳德的生与死》中,扎克作为主角的表演也获得不少影评人的支持。他的最新作品将是根据尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯作品改编的《幸运符》,以及在明星云集的《新年夜》中扮演一个小角色。再加上2012年配音的3D动画《The Lorax》,惊悚片《Fire》,翻拍瑞典剧情片《不义之财》,还有自己的制片公司Ninja's runnin' wild的至少八部新片计划,看来最近几年里埃夫隆可是有的忙了。


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He has a younger brother, Dylan. The surname "Efron", which is Hebrew and a Biblical place name, comes from Zac's Polish Jewish paternal grandfather.Zac was raised in Arroyo Grande, CA. He took his first step toward acting at the age of eleven, after his parents noticed his singing ability. Singing and acting lessons soon led to an appearance in a production of "Gypsy" that ran 90 performances, and he was hooked. After appearing on-stage in "Peter Pan", "Auntie Mame", "Little Shop of Horrors" and "The Music Man", guest parts quickly followed on television series, including Firefly (2002), ER (1994), CSI: Miami (2002), NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003), and The Guardian (2001). After guest-starring in several episodes of Summerland (2004), Zac joined the regular cast as girl-crazy Cameron Bale. He also starred in several pilots, such as The Big Wide World of Carl Laemke (2003) and Triple Play (2004), and played an autistic child in the television film Miracle Run (2004), alongside Mary-Louise Parker and Aidan Quinn. He graduated from Arroyo Grande High School in June 2006.Efron came to fame for starring in the Disney Channel original film High School Musical (2006), for which he won the Teen Choice Award for Breakout Star. He returned to the role of Troy Bolton in High School Musical 2 (2007), which broke cable TV records with 17.5 million viewers.He had the lead roles in the fantasy romance Charlie St. Cloud (2010) and the comedy 17 Again (2009), both from director Burr Steers, and as the lovable Link Larkin in 2007's smash hit musical Hairspray (2007), directed by Adam Shankman. As part of the all-star cast, he shared a Critics Choice Award for Best Acting Ensemble and the 2007 Hollywood Film Festival Award for Ensemble of the Year, and was honored with a Screen Actors Guild Award® nomination for Outstanding Motion Picture Cast. In addition, he won an MTV Movie Award for Breakthrough Performance.Efron then starred in Richard Linklater's Me and Orson Welles (2008), an adaptation of the novel by Robert Kaplow, which premiered to rave reviews at the 2008 Toronto Film Festival. That same year, he led Kenny Ortega's High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008), which set a box office record for the highest grossing opening weekend for a musical. In 2012, Efron took the lead in The Lucky One (2012), a film adaptation of the Nicholas Sparks novel, playing a marine who returns to North Carolina after serving in Iraq in search for the unknown woman he believes was his good luck charm during the war. He also lent his voice to the animated feature Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012), and co-starred in Lee Daniels' thriller The Paperboy (2012), alongside Nicole Kidman, John Cusack, Matthew McConaughey and Scott Glenn, as well as Josh Radnor's Liberal Arts (2012), which premiered to rave reviews at the Sundance Film Festival. Another indie film he co-starred in, At Any Price (2012), was released in 2013.Most recently, Zac starred with Seth Rogen in the hit comedy film Neighbors (2014), headlined the 2015 drama We Are Your Friends (2015), carried three 2016 comedies, Dirty Grandpa (2016), Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (2016), and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016), and starred opposite Hugh Jackman and Zendaya in the musical drama The Greatest Showman (2017), about showman P. T. Barnum. The latter title was a sleeper hit in the winter of 2017, becoming Zac's highest-grossing live action film in the U.S.Zac's 2019 roles include a supporting part in Harmony Korine's The Beach Bum (2019), and playing serial killer Ted Bundy in Joe Berlinger's biographical drama Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019).Efron's favorite sports include golf, skiing, rock climbing, and snowboarding. He added surfing after spending days on the beach for "Summerland." He played the piano at home. He has also fixed up two cars in his spare time, a Delorean and '65 Mustang convertible, both treasured hand-me-downs from his even-more-treasured grandfather.BornOctober 18, 1987More at IMDbProContact infoAgent infoResumeBornOctober 18, 1987IMDbProStarmeterTop 50047Add to listView contact info at IMDbProAwards35 wins & 47 nominationsZac Efron: From Wildcat to Leading ManZac Efron: From Wildcat to Leading ManDisney alum Zac Efron has reinvented himself as a leading man by playing a wide variety of roles. Let's take a look at his eclectic career.Watch the video4:15Photos987Known for: 17 Again6.4Mike O'Donnell2009High School Musical 3: Senior Year5.0Troy Bolton2008Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile6.7Ted Bundy2019The Greatest Showman7.5Phillip Carlyle2017CreditsEditActor72Producer6Soundtrack21Self198Thanks2Archive Footage32IMDbProExpand belowActorUpcoming4Killing Zac EfronIn ProductionTV SeriesThree Men and a BabyPre-productionA Family AffairCompletedFamousLance DunkquistPre-productionPrevious68Ricky StanickyDean2024The Iron Claw7.8Kevin Von Erich2023The Greatest Beer Run Ever6.8Chickie Donohue2022Firestarter: Gag Reel5.7VideoAndy McGee2022Firestarter: Deleted and Extended Scenes5.6VideoAndy McGee2022Firestarter4.6Andy McGee2022Gold5.4Man One2022Dubai Presents: A Five-Star Mission5.4ShortThe Husband2021Save Ralph8.4ShortBobby (voice)2021Scoob!5.6Fred Jones (voice)2020Human Discoveries7.1TV SeriesGary (voice)201910 episodesThe Beach Bum5.5Flicker2019Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile6.7Ted Bundy2019The Greatest Showman7.5Phillip Carlyle2017The Greatest Showman: Come Alive - Live Performance8.2VideoPhillip Carlyle2017See allProducerUpcoming1Killing Zac Efronexecutive producerIn ProductionTV SeriesPrevious5Down to Earth with Zac Efron8.0TV Seriesexecutive producer2020–202216 episodesThe Great Global Cleanup7.8TV Movieexecutive producer2020Human Discoveries7.1TV Seriesexecutive producer201910 episodesExtremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile6.7executive producer2019That Awkward Moment6.1executive producer2014SoundtrackPrevious21The Disney Family Singalong7.7TV Specialperformer: "We're All in This Together"2020The Cinema Snob8.3TV Seriesperformer: "Start of Something New", "What I've Been Looking For", "Breaking Free", "We're All in This Together"performer: "What Time is it?", "Work This Out", "You Are the Music In Me", "You Are the Music in Me (Sharpay Version)", "Gotta Go My Own Way", "Bet On It", "Everyday", "All For One"20192 episodesSanders Shorts7.4TV Seriesperformer: "Bet On It"20181 episodeWomen's International Football6.5TV Seriesperformer: "The Greatest Show" (uncredited)20181 episodeEverything Wrong with...6.6TV Seriesperformer: "Rewrite the Stars", "The Greatest Show", "The Other Side"20181 episodeThe Greatest Showman7.5performer: "The Greatest Show", "The Other Side", "Rewrite the Stars"2017The Greatest Showman: Come Alive - Live Performance8.2Videoperformer: "Come Alive"2017Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates6.0performer: "This Is How We Do It", "Stang Life"writer: "Stang Life"2016Dirty Grandpa5.9performer: "Because You Loved Me"2016This Is 406.2performer: "You Can't Stop the Beat"2012Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show6.6TV Seriesperformer: "Every Single Time", "Pumped Up Kicks"writer: "Every Single Time" (uncredited)20121 episode20 to 15.8TV Seriesperformer: "Breaking Free" (uncredited)20101 episodeSaturday Night Live8.0TV Seriesperformer: "Isn't She Lovely" (uncredited)20091 episodeThe 81st Annual Academy Awards7.8TV Specialperformer: "Musicals are Back"2009Radio Disney Jams 11: Bonus DVD7.6Videoperformer: "Right Here, Right Now"2009See allIn-development projects at IMDbProVideos199Full Movie 1:31Neighbors 3: Zombies RisingFull Episode 9:13Episode: NeighborsClip 2:50Burning Questions With Zac Efron and John CenaClip 2:07'The Iron Claw' Stars Reveal Zac Efron Was Their No. 1 CheerleaderClip 1:17Zac Efron | Career RetrospectiveClip 3:56IMDbrief: 3 Takeaways from Sundance 2019Clip 3:30Kevin Smith's 5 Films to Watch at Sundance 2019Clip 3:48Who Nearly Starred in 'Justice League?'Clip 0:39High School MusicalClip 1:21High School MusicalClip 0:58High School MusicalClip 1:13High School MusicalPersonal detailsEditOfficial sitesFacebookInstagramAlternative nameZachary EfronHeight1.73 mBornOctober 18, 1987San Luis Obispo, California, USAChildrenNo ChildrenParentsStarla BaskettRelativesDylan Efron(Sibling)Other worksHe was in Hope Partlow's music video "Sick Inside".Publicity listings4 Interviews13 Articles2 Pictorials19 Magazine Cover PhotosDid you knowEditTriviaSimon Cowell offered him a record deal but he turned it down saying, "...acting is my main priority".QuotesThe songwriters decided to give Link a cool, upbeat, Elvis-style

number, and it's the perfect time for it in the movie. 'Ladies Choice'

establishes the connection between Tracy and Link. And it's the kind of

number you need in a sixties musical: the rock 'n' roll band at the

record hop, with bright colors and backup dancers.TrademarksBrown hair and blue eyesNicknameZefronSalaries17 Again (2009)$1,000,000FAQ11Powered by AlexaHow old is Zac Efron?When was Zac Efron born?Where was Zac Efron born?Related newsContribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentLearn more about contributingEdit pageMore to exploreListStaff Picks: What to Watch in MarchSee the listListIMDb Staff's 2024 Oscar PredictionsSee our predictionsAdd demo reel with IMDbProMake your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reelUpload your demo reelAdd demo reel with IMDbProMake your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reelUpload your demo reelHow much have you seen?Keep track of how much of Zac Efron’s work you have seen. Go to your list.ListHillary's 6 Picks for March and BeyondSee the full listRecently viewedYou have no recently viewed pagesGet the IMDb AppSign in for more accessSign in for more accessGet the IMDb AppHelpSite IndexIMDbProBox Office MojoIMDb DeveloperPress RoomAdvertisingJobsConditions of UsePrivacy PolicyYour Ads Privacy ChoicesIMDb, an Amazon company© 1990-2024 by, Inc.Back to top

扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron的全部作品(76)

扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron的全部作品(76)



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扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron的全部作品(76)














  [ 演员 ]


格伦·费卡拉 Glenn Ficarra / 约翰·里夸 John Requa


扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron




  [ 制片人 ]




  [ 演员 ]


乔迪·希尔 Jody Hill


扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron




  [ 演员 ]


莫里斯·马拉布尔 Maurice Marable


扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron



  [ 演员 ]


彼得·法雷里 Peter Farrelly


约翰·塞纳 John Cena / 扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron / 安德鲁·桑提诺 Andrew Sa...




  [ 演员 ]


理查德·拉·格拉文斯 Richard LaGravenese


妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman / 乔伊·金 Joey King / 扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron...



  [ 演员 (饰 Kevin Von Erich) ]


肖恩·德金 Sean Durkin


扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron / 霍特·麦克卡兰尼 Holt McCallany / 哈里斯·迪金...

7.2 / 1019人评价

扎克·埃夫隆带你闯世界 第二季


  [ 演员 ]


Ibrahim Hamdan


扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron



  [ 演员 (饰 John 'Chickie' Donohue) ]


彼得·法雷里 Peter Farrelly


扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron / 罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe / 比尔·默瑞 Bill Murr...

7.8 / 29436人评价



  [ 演员 (饰 Andy McGee) ]


基斯·托马斯 Keith Thomas


扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron / 赖恩·基拉·阿姆斯特朗 Ryan Kiera Armstrong / ...

4.8 / 1827人评价












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Zac Efron - Biography - IMDb

Efron - Biography - IMDb

MenuMoviesRelease CalendarTop 250 MoviesMost Popular MoviesBrowse Movies by GenreTop Box OfficeShowtimes & TicketsMovie NewsIndia Movie SpotlightTV ShowsWhat's on TV & StreamingTop 250 TV ShowsMost Popular TV ShowsBrowse TV Shows by GenreTV NewsWatchWhat to WatchLatest TrailersIMDb OriginalsIMDb PicksIMDb SpotlightIMDb PodcastsAwards & EventsOscarsSXSW Film FestivalWomen's History MonthSTARmeter AwardsAwards CentralFestival CentralAll EventsCelebsBorn TodayMost Popular CelebsCelebrity NewsCommunityHelp CenterContributor ZonePollsFor Industry ProfessionalsLanguageEnglish (United States)LanguageFully supportedEnglish (United States)Partially supportedFrançais (Canada)Français (France)Deutsch (Deutschland)हिंदी (भारत)Italiano (Italia)Português (Brasil)Español (España)Español (México)AllAllTitlesTV EpisodesCelebsCompaniesKeywordsAdvanced SearchWatchlistSign InSign InNew Customer? Create accountENFully supportedEnglish (United States)Partially supportedFrançais (Canada)Français (France)Deutsch (Deutschland)हिंदी (भारत)Italiano (Italia)Português (Brasil)Español (España)Español (México)Use appBackBiographyAwardsTriviaFAQIMDbProAll topicsBiographyZac EfronJump toOverview (4)Mini Bio (1)Family (3)Trademarks (2)Trivia (43)Quotes (19)Salaries (4)EditOverviewBornOctober 18, 1987 · San Luis Obispo, California, USABirth nameZachary David Alexander EfronNicknameZefronHeight1.73 mMini BioZachary David Alexander Efron was born October 18, 1987 in San Luis Obispo, California, to Starla Baskett, a secretary, and David Efron, an electrical engineer. He has a younger brother, Dylan. The surname "Efron", which is Hebrew and a Biblical place name, comes from Zac's Polish Jewish paternal grandfather.Zac was raised in Arroyo Grande, CA. He took his first step toward acting at the age of eleven, after his parents noticed his singing ability. Singing and acting lessons soon led to an appearance in a production of "Gypsy" that ran 90 performances, and he was hooked. After appearing on-stage in "Peter Pan", "Auntie Mame", "Little Shop of Horrors" and "The Music Man", guest parts quickly followed on television series, including Firefly (2002), ER (1994), CSI: Miami (2002), NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003), and The Guardian (2001). After guest-starring in several episodes of Summerland (2004), Zac joined the regular cast as girl-crazy Cameron Bale. He also starred in several pilots, such as The Big Wide World of Carl Laemke (2003) and Triple Play (2004), and played an autistic child in the television film Miracle Run (2004), alongside Mary-Louise Parker and Aidan Quinn. He graduated from Arroyo Grande High School in June 2006.Efron came to fame for starring in the Disney Channel original film High School Musical (2006), for which he won the Teen Choice Award for Breakout Star. He returned to the role of Troy Bolton in High School Musical 2 (2007), which broke cable TV records with 17.5 million viewers.He had the lead roles in the fantasy romance Charlie St. Cloud (2010) and the comedy 17 Again (2009), both from director Burr Steers, and as the lovable Link Larkin in 2007's smash hit musical Hairspray (2007), directed by Adam Shankman. As part of the all-star cast, he shared a Critics Choice Award for Best Acting Ensemble and the 2007 Hollywood Film Festival Award for Ensemble of the Year, and was honored with a Screen Actors Guild Award® nomination for Outstanding Motion Picture Cast. In addition, he won an MTV Movie Award for Breakthrough Performance.Efron then starred in Richard Linklater's Me and Orson Welles (2008), an adaptation of the novel by Robert Kaplow, which premiered to rave reviews at the 2008 Toronto Film Festival. That same year, he led Kenny Ortega's High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008), which set a box office record for the highest grossing opening weekend for a musical. In 2012, Efron took the lead in The Lucky One (2012), a film adaptation of the Nicholas Sparks novel, playing a marine who returns to North Carolina after serving in Iraq in search for the unknown woman he believes was his good luck charm during the war. He also lent his voice to the animated feature Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012), and co-starred in Lee Daniels' thriller The Paperboy (2012), alongside Nicole Kidman, John Cusack, Matthew McConaughey and Scott Glenn, as well as Josh Radnor's Liberal Arts (2012), which premiered to rave reviews at the Sundance Film Festival. Another indie film he co-starred in, At Any Price (2012), was released in 2013.Most recently, Zac starred with Seth Rogen in the hit comedy film Neighbors (2014), headlined the 2015 drama We Are Your Friends (2015), carried three 2016 comedies, Dirty Grandpa (2016), Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (2016), and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016), and starred opposite Hugh Jackman and Zendaya in the musical drama The Greatest Showman (2017), about showman P. T. Barnum. The latter title was a sleeper hit in the winter of 2017, becoming Zac's highest-grossing live action film in the U.S.Zac's 2019 roles include a supporting part in Harmony Korine's The Beach Bum (2019), and playing serial killer Ted Bundy in Joe Berlinger's biographical drama Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019).Efron's favorite sports include golf, skiing, rock climbing, and snowboarding. He added surfing after spending days on the beach for "Summerland." He played the piano at home. He has also fixed up two cars in his spare time, a Delorean and '65 Mustang convertible, both treasured hand-me-downs from his even-more-treasured grandfather.- IMDb Mini Biography By: AnonymousFamilyChildrenNo ChildrenParentsStarla BaskettDavid EfronRelativesDylan Efron(Sibling)TrademarksBrown hair and blue eyesMuscular physiqueTriviaSimon Cowell offered him a record deal but he turned it down saying, "...acting is my main priority".Entered rehab for alcoholism and cocaine abuse.Learned how to ride a motorcycle after a chance party meeting with bike enthusiast Tom Cruise, who offered to act as Efron's coach.His singing voice in the first High School Musical (2006) was actually that of singer/songwriter/actor Drew Seeley.With the popularity of High School Musical (2006), he had to change his phone number after

getting numerous calls from fans.38 moreAllQuotesThe songwriters decided to give Link a cool, upbeat, Elvis-style

number, and it's the perfect time for it in the movie. 'Ladies Choice'

establishes the connection between Tracy and Link. And it's the kind of

number you need in a sixties musical: the rock 'n' roll band at the

record hop, with bright colors and backup dancers.If I had to hear the High School Musical (2006) songs anymore, I would have jumped off of something really tall. [on why he chose not to do the High School Musical Tour.]The number one question I've been asked [for his movie 17 Again] is, 'If you could go back, would you change anything? If you could be 17 all over again, what would you do different? Would you go down this road?' I'm like, absolutely. This is like the best job in the world. I'm having the time of my life... It's always fun. It's always interesting. It's always a challenge. I'm very happy with that and I'm very happy with my life right now.You know what, I do not want to fall victim to partying too hard, it's too easy and too often done. It's out of style anyway, I think too many people have done it before me, I'm not going to. It's uncool, yeah. I think the rebellious thing to do would to actually be successful.On why he chose 17 Again: Everything else that was around was either a musical or a high school romance, you know, and this was actually the biggest risk and the biggest challenge. I can relate to playing a kid - I've had a first kiss, I've had awkward dates, I've had fights with my parents... But one thing I've never done is gotten into a fight with my teenage daughter.14 moreAllSalaries17 Again (2009) - $1,000,000High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) - $3,000,000Hairspray (2007) - $100,000High School Musical (2006) - $100,000Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentLearn more about contributingEdit pageMore from this personView agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbProMore to explorePhotosThe Most Searched Stars on IMDbSee the galleryListIMDb Staff's 2024 Oscar PredictionsSee our predictionsListHillary's 6 Picks for March and BeyondSee the full listRecently viewedYou have no recently viewed pagesGet the IMDb AppSign in for more accessSign in for more accessGet the IMDb AppHelpSite IndexIMDbProBox Office MojoIMDb DeveloperPress RoomAdvertisingJobsConditions of UsePrivacy PolicyYour Ads Privacy ChoicesIMDb, an Amazon company© 1990-2024 by, Inc.Back to top

Zac Efron - Age, Movies & Life

Efron - Age, Movies & LifeSearchWomen’s HistoryHistory & CultureMusiciansMovies & TVAthletesArtistsPower & PoliticsBusinessScholars & EducatorsScientistsActivistsNotorious FiguresBIO BuysNewsletterPrivacy NoticeTerms Of UseSkip to ContentWomen’s HistoryMusiciansMovies & TVAthletesNewsletterFamous ActorsZac EfronZac EfronZac Efron first rose to fame through Disney's 'High School Musical' films and has since starred in 'Hairspray' and 'The Greatest Showman.'By EditorsUpdated: Apr 13, 2021Getty Images1987-presentWho Is Zac Efron?Zac Efron made his first television appearance on the series Firefly. In 2005, Efron landed the lead role in the Disney Channel film High School Musical, which proved a massive hit and spawned two sequels. He went on to star in a remake of Hairspray and voice the main character in The Lorax, before dropping his Disney image and taking on more mature roles in films such as The Lucky One and Parkland. Efron later starred in Neighbors, Dirty Grandpa, the P.T. Barnum biopic The Greatest Showman and as serial killer Ted Bundy in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile.Early LifeZachary David Alexander Efron was born on October 18, 1987, in San Luis Obispo, California. His father David, an electrical engineer, and mother Starla, an administrative assistant, met while working at the same nuclear power plant. The couple relocated to Arroyo Grande, California, a town roughly 200 miles north of Los Angeles, to raise Zac and his younger brother, Dylan.At 11, a piano teacher recognized Efron's burgeoning talent and persuaded him to pursue theatrical roles at the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts. He auditioned for—and was subsequently cast in—a small part in a long-running production of Gypsy. The role ignited his passion for acting, and his continued performances in other local productions earned him a contract with a talent agent. Soon, Efron was making regular trips to Los Angeles for auditions while attending Arroyo Grande High School.TV and MoviesEarly Career: 'Firefly' to 'The Derby Stallion'In 2002, Efron made his first television appearance on the short-lived series Firefly. In 2003, he landed guest roles on ER and the pilot for The Big Wide World of Carl Laemke. The following year, he could be seen in the film The Guardian, as well as the pilot for Triple Play and the made-for-television movie Miracle Run.Efron also starred as Cameron Bale, a series regular, on The WB's Summerland. Although the series was cancelled in July 2005, Efron was still a regular media presence, with guest roles on NCIS, Disney's The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and CSI: Miami. He also landed a leading role in his first feature film, The Derby Stallion (2005).'High School Musical'In 2005, Efron landed another lead role in a small, low-budget film for the Disney Channel called High School Musical. While on the set of the film, he met co-star Vanessa Hudgens, and the two began dating off set. The movie debuted in January 2006, and although it was intended to be the usual Disney fare, it unexpectedly struck a chord with adoring audiences.Eventually recognized as one of the most successful made-for-television movies ever, the movie produced unprecedented ratings, a best-selling soundtrack and loyal fans. Offers for acting roles and record deals followed, but Efron declined. He chose instead to take time off to focus and graduate from high school.Controversy later erupted when sources disclosed that Efron wasn't actually responsible for voicing his High School Musical songs, and that Canadian singer-songwriter Drew Seeley was the actual voice behind the role. As a result, Efron made it a contractual point to ensure that his voice appeared unaided on songs for High School Musical 2, which became the most-watched event in cable television history in 2007.'Hairspray,' 'Me and Orson Welles'In addition to High School Musical 2, Efron also appeared in the big-screen remake of John Waters' Hairspray (1988) in 2007. Director Adam Shankman nearly passed on Efron for the role of golden boy Link Larkin—reportedly, Shankman initially felt Efron was "too Disney"—but he later reconsidered. Appearing alongside John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken and Queen Latifah, Efron once again thrilled fans and helped the film earn nearly $119 million domestically. Additionally, he was featured on the cover of Rolling Stone, which dubbed him "The New American Heartthrob."In an effort to avoid typecasting, Efron decided to make a departure from musicals. However, to honor his fans, he agreed to appear in High School Musical 3 (2008), the final installment of the trilogy. Afterward, he took on the lead role in Richard Linklater's drama Me and Orson Welles (2008) and hosted Saturday Night Live in 2009, to positive reviews.'17 Again,' 'Charlie St. Cloud,' 'The Lorax'While filming the role-reversal comedy 17 Again (2009), with Matthew Perry and Leslie Mann, Efron had a near-fatal experience on the set: He was rushed to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, but he returned to the set a mere two days after surgery to resume shooting. Efron followed with consistent roles that were geared towards a younger audience, including Charlie St. Cloud (2010) and an adaptation of Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012).'The Lucky One,' 'Neighbors,' 'Dirty Grandpa,' 'Mike and Dave'In 2012, Efron began to play more mature roles, finally shedding his Disney image. That year, he took on a lead role yet again in The Lucky One, opposite Taylor Schilling, as a soldier stationed in Iraq who searches for a mysterious woman from a photo. He then played an infuriating frat boy opposite new suburban dad Seth Rogen in 2014's Neighbors, later reprising the role for its 2016 sequel. That year, he also continued his string of crude comedies with featured roles in Dirty Grandpa and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates.'Baywatch,' 'The Greatest Showman'In 2017, Efron flexed his pecs for a tongue-in-cheek big screen reboot of the 1990s lifeguard show Baywatch, with Dwayne Johnson. Late that year he did another about-face, reviving his singing and dancing skills for the Oscar-contending P.T. Barnum biopic The Greatest Showman, alongside Hugh Jackman.Playing Ted Bundy in 'Extremely Wicked'Also in 2017, it was announced that Efron would play notorious serial killer Ted Bundy in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. The former Disney heartthrob revealed how far he had come with a January 2018 Instagram photo, showing him as a scowling Bundy posing for a mug shot. Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile premiered at the Sundance Film Festival the following January, before earning its release on Netflix in May 2019.'Scoob!'In late 2019, the actor began work on a new adventure reality series, Killing Zac Efron. The show nearly lived up to its title, as Efron contracted a serious bacterial infection while filming in Papua New Guinea and had to be flown to Australia for treatment. Another health issue — the coronavirus pandemic — pushed back the release of his next project, Scoob!, though the Scooby-Doo reboot surfaced on video on demand in May 2020.QUICK FACTSName: Zachary David Alexander Efron Birth date: October 18, 1987Birth State: CaliforniaBirth City: San Luis Obispo Astrological Sign: LibraSchool: Arroyo Grande High School Fact Check: We strive for accuracy and fairness. 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扎克·埃弗隆 - 搜狗百科

弗隆 - 搜狗百科扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron,1987年10月18日-),出生于美国加利福尼亚州圣路易斯奥比斯波,美国男演员[1]。 2006年,主演迪士尼原创电影《歌舞青春》而成名[2],获得第8届青少年选择奖最佳突破TV明星奖。[3]2007年,主演《歌舞青春2》。2008年,凭借《发胶》获得第17届MTV电影奖最具突破表演奖;[4]同年,主演的电影《歌舞青春3:毕业季》上映,获得第18届MTV电影奖最佳男演员奖[5]。2009年,参演《重回十七岁》入围第19届MTV电影奖最佳男演员。2010年,参演《查理的生与死》,入围第20届MTV电影奖最佳男演员。2012年,凭借《幸运符》获得第14届青少年选择奖最佳剧情/爱情电影男演员。[6]2014年,凭借《尴尬时刻》获得第23届MTV电影奖最佳无上装表演奖。2018年,担任第75届金球奖颁奖嘉宾[7]。2020年5月15日,参与配音的冒险动画电影《史酷比狗》在美国上映。[8]2022年9月30日,主演的喜剧电影《有史以来最棒的啤酒》在美国上映。[9][10] 2024年3月7日,主演的电影《瑞奇·斯坦尼克》定档在Prime Video上映。[11]网页微信知乎图片视频医疗汉语问问百科更多»登录帮助首页任务任务中心公益百科积分商城个人中心扎克·埃弗隆编辑词条添加义项同义词收藏分享分享到QQ空间新浪微博扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron,1987年10月18日-),出生于美国加利福尼亚州圣路易斯奥比斯波,美国男演员[1]。2006年,主演迪士尼原创电影《歌舞青春》而成名[2],获得第8届青少年选择奖最佳突破TV明星奖。[3]2007年,主演《歌舞青春2》。2008年,凭借《发胶》获得第17届MTV电影奖最具突破表演奖;[4]同年,主演的电影《歌舞青春3:毕业季》上映,获得第18届MTV电影奖最佳男演员奖[5]。2009年,参演《重回十七岁》入围第19届MTV电影奖最佳男演员。2010年,参演《查理的生与死》,入围第20届MTV电影奖最佳男演员。2012年,凭借《幸运符》获得第14届青少年选择奖最佳剧情/爱情电影男演员。[6]2014年,凭借《尴尬时刻》获得第23届MTV电影奖最佳无上装表演奖。2018年,担任第75届金球奖颁奖嘉宾[7]。2020年5月15日,参与配音的冒险动画电影《史酷比狗》在美国上映。[8]2022年9月30日,主演的喜剧电影《有史以来最棒的啤酒》在美国上映。[9][10]2024年3月7日,主演的电影《瑞奇·斯坦尼克》定档在Prime Video上映。[11]中文名扎克·埃弗隆展开外文名Zac Efron(昵称)、Hollywood(昵称)、Zacquisha(昵称)[1]展开别名碩克·艾佛朗(香港)[1]、Zachary David Alexander Efron展开国籍美国展开星座天秤座展开经纪公司the Creative Artists Agency[12]展开毕业院校Arroyo Grande High School[10]展开代表作品查理的生与死、重回十七岁、歌舞青春系列、幸运符、尴尬时刻展开父亲David Efron展开主要荣誉第18届MTV电影奖最佳男演员[4]第17届MTV电影奖最具突破表演[5]第14届青少年选择奖最佳剧情电影男演员[6]展开身高173.00cm[10]展开体重75kg展开本名Zachary David Alexander Efron[1]展开出生日期1987年10月18日[10]展开出生地美国加利福尼亚圣路易斯奥比斯波展开性别男展开职业演员、歌手、制片人[10]、主持人、配音[1]展开母亲Starla Baskett展开展开参考资料:1. 扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron豆瓣[引用日期2021-09-27]2. 歌舞青春 High School Musical(2006)豆瓣[引用日期2021-09-27]3. 《三个奶爸一个娃》将翻拍 扎克·埃夫隆有望参演搜狐[引用日期2021-10-20]4. 约翰尼·德普获MTV电影奖“最佳喜剧表演"中国新闻网[引用日期2021-10-20]5. 第18届MTV电影奖揭晓 《暮光之城》5项大奖完胜搜狐[引用日期2021-09-27]6. 青少年选择奖揭晓 饥饿游戏暮色对垒美剧明星多-搜狐娱乐搜狐[引用日期2021-10-20]7. 金球奖颁奖嘉宾公布 8. 史酷比狗猫眼电影[引用日期2023-03-04]9. 有史以来最棒的啤酒猫眼电影[引用日期2023-03-04]10. 扎克·埃夫隆_扎克·埃夫隆介绍_图片_作品-猫眼电影猫眼[引用日期2022-03-18]11. #约翰塞纳新片预告#《看电影》杂志官方微博[引用日期2024-01-27]12. Zac Efron Biography | Career, Girlfriends, Net Worth, Body Measurement, Age Wikiblog-[引用日期2023-07-29]13. 哈塞尔霍夫加盟《海滩游侠》 曾演《霹雳游侠》14. 《海滩游侠》发布首张正式剧照 光看肉就够了15. 《马戏之王》发布全新电视预告 休叔邀弗格森演唱|马戏之王|休·杰克...新浪娱乐2017-11-29[引用日期2017-12-01]16. 2018金酸梅奖提名揭晓搜狗搜索2018-01-22[引用日期2018-01-23]17. 马修麦康纳新片"海滩流浪汉"发R级预告时光网2019-01-24[引用日期2019-01-24]18. 《极端邪恶》开拍 扎克埃夫隆莉莉柯林斯秀造型|极端邪恶|扎克·埃夫...新浪娱乐2018-01-19[引用日期2018-01-20]19. 《极端邪恶》发布新预告 扎克·埃夫隆变残酷杀手|极端邪恶_新浪娱乐...新浪娱乐2019-04-03[引用日期2019-04-03]20. 放弃院线发行!《史酷比狗》转战线上付费点播中国青年网[引用日期2020-04-22]21. 大牌加盟 动画版《史酷比》追加新配音演员腾讯2019-03-25[引用日期2019-03-25]22. 《史酷比狗》发布首款预告,扎克·埃夫隆领衔配音 - 娱乐 - 新京报网新京报网[引用日期2019-11-12]23. 《身在高地》《史酷比狗》等华纳新片宣布撤档|身在高地|史酷...新浪娱乐[引用日期2020-03-25]24. 扎克·埃夫隆《掘金》发布预告 废土世界人类寻金_好莱坞_电影网_1905.com1905电影网[引用日期2022-02-07]25. 凶火 的全部演职员豆瓣[引用日期2022-02-10]26. 豪华阵容《阿吉尔》曝剧照 Dua lipa献表演首秀新浪娱乐[引用日期2022-05-30]27. 《绿皮书》导演新片《史上最棒的啤酒》首曝预告和海报时光网[引用日期2022-08-18]28. #妮可基德曼新片定档#新浪电影频道官方微博[引用日期2023-01-19]29. 《铁爪》发布剧照 扎克·埃夫隆出演职业摔跤手1905电影网[引用日期2023-07-28]30. 《铁爪》发布剧照好莱坞资讯发布官方微博[引用日期2023-07-28]31. MTV电影奖"星运"大赢 钢铁侠呼吁远离毒品32. 青少年选择奖揭晓 《神奇女侠》与银卫2平分秋色|青少年选择奖|神奇女...新浪娱乐2017-08-14[引用日期2017-08-15]33. Teen Choice Awards 2018: See All the Nominees and Winners 《Us Weekly》-[引用日期2023-07-29]词条标签:演员娱乐人物人物明星免责声明搜狗百科词条内容由用户共同创建和维护,不代表搜狗百科立场。如果您需要医学、法律、投资理财等专业领域的建议,我们强烈建议您独自对内容的可信性进行评估,并咨询相关专业人士。词条信息词条浏览:243347次最近更新:24.01.30编辑次数:106次创建者:/潴肉叉燒突出贡献者:新手指引了解百科编辑规范用户体系商城兑换问题解答关于审核关于编辑关于创建常见问题意见反馈及投诉举报与质疑举报非法用户未通过申诉反馈侵权信息对外合作邮件合作任务领取官方微博微信公众号搜索词条编辑词条 收藏 查看我的收藏分享分享到QQ空间新浪微博投诉登录企业推广免责声明用户协议隐私政策编辑帮助意见反馈及投诉© SOGOU.COM 京ICP备11001839号-1 京公网安备110000020000

扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron) - 知乎

扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron) - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)暂无话题描述关注话题​管理​分享​讨论精华视频等待回答​切换为时间排序想练成像类似 Zac Efron 那样的身材,应该怎么制定自己的健身计划,包括饮食方面?Uyui留学生对于亚洲人而言,很难,即便是你的 精力时间都在上面, 顶多也就是块头小一号, 欧美人,基因里面 成份和我们不同阅读全文​​赞同​​3 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢加油啊大家海鲜王扎卡我们设计汽车设计师 we design designer[图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片]阅读全文​​赞同 1​​添加评论​分享​收藏34岁的扎克埃夫隆,出演12岁女孩的爸爸,不少影迷称接受不了娱影剪辑手专注于娱乐圈动态解读!我们不生产八卦,只是八卦的搬运工。阅读全文​​赞同​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢​ 举报Zac Efron近年的发展人气定位是怎么样的?梧桐嘉秋解读《武林外传》的微信公众号:同福客栈的屋顶《歌舞青春》和《重返十七岁》还可以,感觉埃夫隆一直走的偶像派路线阅读全文​​赞同​​1 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢外网评选最爱露肉男星!锤哥倒数美队落榜,最爱脱的男人竟是他?英国报姐带你一起玩前卫、涨见识,看见更酷的世界。好莱坞不光是个看脸的世界,对于男明星来说,身材也是重要的吸粉利器。男明星的每一块肌肉,都需要经过刻苦的精心雕琢,导演们自然也会在影视作品中,专门给他们留下个几分钟,脱掉上衣展示一把身材。 [图片] 凭借着美好肉体吸粉无数的他们,甚至到了拍电影不脱就让人觉得少了点什么的地步。 哪怕和剧情没啥关系,也必须脱一把,让大家吸一吸美好的肉体,感受一下大自然的“鬼斧神工”。比如之前彭于晏拍《邪不压正》,姜文导演点名让…阅读全文​​赞同 79​​10 条评论​分享​收藏夏天你在家吃西瓜的时候标致在巴黎搞的事情海鲜王扎卡我们设计汽车设计师 we design designer[图片] aHR0cHM6Ly91LndlY2hhdC5jb20vTU9STHd6ZEtpTUJLWTR0Smx5Z0hQMGs= (二维码自动识别)阅读全文​​赞同​​添加评论​分享​收藏想练成像类似 Zac Efron 那样的身材,应该怎么制定自己的健身计划,包括饮食方面?营念桥此生求法为圆法,来世得道只布道。这要看个人自身的条件,人的身材比例,高矮胖瘦多来自于遗传,不知道你目前的身材状况是什么样子。后天的生活、饮食习惯对我们的身材同样具很大的影响,健身圈里有句老话“身材是吃出来的。”想有副好身材自己要多用功,“少吃、多运动”这是不二法门。扎克的身材属于运动性身材,主要的特征为体脂含量低,肌肉线条明显(胸),肌肉围度不大(上臂),小肌肉群细节雕刻不足(下腹)。炼成这样的体型,首要因素就是减脂,只有体脂…阅读全文​​赞同 3​​2 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢《幸运符》据说这是美国拍的反战争片李某某明天依旧美好大兵在现场捡到美女照片,成为他的幸运符阅读全文​​赞同​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢​ 举报《掘金》是安东尼·海斯执导,扎克·埃夫隆、苏茜·波特、安东尼·海斯主演的电影半瓶82年的风油精分享生活,分享美食,分享所见所闻《掘金》是安东尼·海斯执导,扎克·埃夫隆、苏茜·波特、安东尼·海斯主演的电影。该故事讲述两名男子穿越偏远沙漠,偶然发现了他们认为是迄今为止发现的最大金块。于是他们策划了一个挖掘宝藏的计划,一人交托了…阅读全文​​赞同​​1 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢​ 举报accd杰出毕业生Wbachleda ​​​海鲜王扎卡我们设计汽车设计师 we design designeraccd杰出毕业生Wbachleda [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片]阅读全文​​赞同 2​​1 条评论​分享​收藏你看过扎克·埃夫隆演的哪些电影?毕之藕片打孔歌舞青春( 不太好看,太无脑) 马戏之王 重返十七岁阅读全文​​赞同​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢你看过扎克·埃夫隆演的哪些电影?亚瑟·弗莱克一名优秀的喜剧演员重回十七岁阅读全文​​赞同​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢浏览量3.9 万讨论量36  帮助中心知乎隐私保护指引申请开通机构号联系我们 举报中心涉未成年举报网络谣言举报涉企虚假举报更多 关于知乎下载知乎知乎招聘知乎指南知乎协议更多京 ICP 证 110745 号 · 京 ICP 备 13052560 号 - 1 · 京公网安备 11010802020088 号 · 京网文[2022]2674-081 号 · 药品医疗器械网络信息服务备案(京)网药械信息备字(2022)第00334号 · 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(京)字第06591号 · 服务热线:400-919-0001 · Investor Relations · © 2024 知乎 北京智者天下科技有限公司版权所有 · 违法和不良信息举报:010-82716601 · 举报邮箱:jubao@zhihu.

All Zac Efron Movies Ranked | Rotten Tomatoes

All Zac Efron Movies Ranked | Rotten Tomatoes


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(Photo by Diyah Pera/©Universal Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection)

All Zac Efron Movies, Ranked By Tomatometer

Zac Efron was the prince of the late-2000s musical with the Certified Fresh Hairspray and, of course, the High School Musical franchise, which by its third and final entry had graduated from the TV space and into a full-fledged theatrical experience. Senior Year and Hairspray were big money makers, and so was Efron’s first post-High School movie, 17 Again. Critics were just on the edge of giving it a Fresh rating, but the transformation comedy certainly appealed to his fan base, and set Efron up for a future as lead man in films.

After getting the requisite Nicholas Sparks adaptation out of the way (The Lucky One), Efron spent several years building up a dramatic resume, though only Richard Linklater’s Me and Orson Welles connected with critics. After the surprise box office success of the Certified Fresh Neighbors, Efron found a new career tack in raunch comedies, letting loose in the likes of Dirty Grandpa, Baywatch, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, and The Beach Bum.

Efron starred in 2019’s Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, a Ted Bundy biopic that coincided with the 30th anniversary of his execution. And Efron returned in 2020 on a much lighter note, voicing the ascot-less Fred in Scoob!, the latest in the venerable Scooby-Doo franchise. Jinkies! Now it’s time to look back on all Zac Efron movies, ranked by Tomatometer! —Alex Vo


New Year's Eve (2011) 7%


Adjusted Score: 12252%

Critics Consensus: Shallow, sappy, and dull, New Year's Eve assembles a star-studded cast for no discernible purpose.

Synopsis: Intertwining stories promise love, hope, forgiveness, second chances and more for a number of New Yorkers on the celebrated night.... [More]

Starring: Halle Berry, Jessica Biel, Jon Bon Jovi, Abigail Breslin

Directed By: Garry Marshall


Dirty Grandpa (2016) 10%


Adjusted Score: 15882%

Critics Consensus: Like a Werther's Original dropped down a sewer drain, Dirty Grandpa represents the careless fumbling of a classic talent that once brought pleasure to millions.

Synopsis: Uptight lawyer Jason Kelly (Zac Efron) is one week away from marrying his boss's controlling daughter, putting him on the... [More]

Starring: Robert De Niro, Zac Efron, Aubrey Plaza, Zoey Deutch

Directed By: Dan Mazer


Baywatch (2017) 17%


Adjusted Score: 30316%

Critics Consensus: Baywatch takes its source material's jiggle factor to R-rated levels, but lacks the original's campy charm -- and leaves its charming stars flailing in the shallows.

Synopsis: When a dangerous crime wave hits the beach, the legendary Mitch Buchannon leads his elite squad of lifeguards on a... [More]

Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Alexandra Daddario

Directed By: Seth Gordon


The Lucky One (2012) 20%


Adjusted Score: 26594%

Critics Consensus: While it provides the requisite amount of escapist melodrama, The Lucky One ultimately relies on too many schmaltzy clichés to appeal to anyone not already familiar with the Nicholas Sparks formula.

Synopsis: U.S. Marine Sgt. Logan Thibault (Zac Efron) returns home from his third tour of duty in Iraq with the one... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling, Blythe Danner, Riley Thomas Stewart

Directed By: Scott Hicks


That Awkward Moment (2014) 22%


Adjusted Score: 28312%

Critics Consensus: Formulaic and unfunny, That Awkward Moment wastes a charming cast on a contrived comedy that falls short of the date movies it seems to be trying to subvert.

Synopsis: Best pals Jason (Zac Efron) and Daniel (Miles Teller) indulge in casual flings and revel in their carefree, unattached lives.... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Imogen Poots

Directed By: Tom Gormican


Charlie St. Cloud (2010) 28%


Adjusted Score: 32612%

Critics Consensus: Zac Efron gives it his all, but Charlie St. Cloud is too shallow and cloying to offer much more than eye candy for his fans.

Synopsis: Adored by his single mother and his little brother Sam, Charlie St. Cloud (Zac Efron) is an accomplished sailor and... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Amanda Crew, Donal Logue, Charlie Tahan

Directed By: Burr Steers


Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) 38%


Adjusted Score: 45768%

Critics Consensus: Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates benefits from the screwball premise and the efforts of a game cast, even if the sporadically hilarious results don't quite live up to either.

Synopsis: Mike and Dave Stangle are young, adventurous, fun-loving brothers who tend to get out of control at family gatherings. When... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Adam DeVine, Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza

Directed By: Jake Szymanski


We Are Your Friends (2015) 40%


Adjusted Score: 45986%

Critics Consensus: We Are Your Friends boasts magnetic stars and glimmers of insight, but they're lost in a clichéd coming-of-age story as programmed as the soundtrack's beats.

Synopsis: Young Cole Carter (Zac Efron) dreams of hitting the big time as a Hollywood disc jockey, spending his days and... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Wes Bentley, Emily Ratajkowski, Jonny Weston

Directed By: Max Joseph


The Paperboy (2012) 45%


Adjusted Score: 51492%

Critics Consensus: Trashy and melodramatic, The Paperboy is enlivened by a strong cast and a steamy, sordid plot, but it's uneven and often veers into camp.

Synopsis: In 1969 Florida, reporter Ward Jansen (Matthew McConaughey) returns to his hometown to write a story about death-row inmate Hillary... [More]

Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, David Oyelowo, Macy Gray

Directed By: Lee Daniels


Parkland (2013) 51%


Adjusted Score: 56191%

Critics Consensus: Although its decision to look at John F. Kennedy's assassination through uncommon perspectives is refreshing, Parkland never achieves the narrative cohesion its subject deserves.

Synopsis: Chaotic events take place at Parkland Hospital in Dallas after the attack that assassinated President John F. Kennedy.... [More]

Starring: James Badge Dale, Zac Efron, Marcia Gay Harden, Billy Bob Thornton

Directed By: Peter Landesman


At Any Price (2012) 51%


Adjusted Score: 55337%

Critics Consensus: At Any Price features a terrific performance from Dennis Quaid, and it offers further evidence of Ramin Bahrani's unique eye for detail, but film is weighted down by an overly melodramatic story.

Synopsis: An ambitious Iowa seed farmer (Dennis Quaid) tries to get his resentful son (Zac Efron) interested in the family business,... [More]

Starring: Dennis Quaid, Zac Efron, Kim Dickens, Heather Graham

Directed By: Ramin Bahrani


SCOOB! (2020) 48%


Adjusted Score: 56267%

Critics Consensus: Scoob! is fun enough for youthful viewers and some hardcore fans, but never quite solves the mystery of why audiences shouldn't watch old episodes instead.

Synopsis: With hundreds of cases solved and adventures shared, Scooby and the gang face their biggest, most challenging mystery ever --... [More]

Starring: Will Forte, Mark Wahlberg, Jason Isaacs, Gina Rodriguez

Directed By: Tony Cervone


Dr. Seuss' the Lorax (2012) 54%


Adjusted Score: 61005%

Critics Consensus: Dr. Seuss' The Lorax is cute and funny enough but the moral simplicity of the book gets lost with the zany Hollywood production values.

Synopsis: Twelve-year-old Ted (Zac Efron) lives in a place virtually devoid of nature; no flowers or trees grow in the town... [More]

Starring: Danny DeVito, Ed Helms, Zac Efron, Taylor Swift

Directed By: Chris Renaud


Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019) 55%


Adjusted Score: 64422%

Critics Consensus: Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile often transcends its narrative limitations through sheer force of Zac Efron's compulsively watchable performance.

Synopsis: A chronicle of the crimes of Ted Bundy from the perspective of his longtime girlfriend, who refused to believe the... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Lily Collins, Haley Joel Osment, Kaya Scodelario

Directed By: Joe Berlinger


The Beach Bum (2019) 57%


Adjusted Score: 62986%

Critics Consensus: The role of a lifetime for Matthew McConaughey, The Beach Bum is set apart by Harmony Korine's distinctive style, but that isn't always enough to offset the unfocused story.

Synopsis: Moondog is a fun-loving, pot-smoking, beer-drinking writer who lives life on his own terms in Florida. If he can put... [More]

Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Snoop Dogg, Isla Fisher, Stefania Owen

Directed By: Harmony Korine


The Greatest Showman (2017) 56%


Adjusted Score: 70480%

Critics Consensus: The Greatest Showman tries hard to dazzle the audience with a Barnum-style sense of wonder -- but at the expense of its complex subject's far more intriguing real-life story.

Synopsis: Growing up in the early 1800s, P.T. Barnum displays a natural talent for publicity and promotion, selling lottery tickets by... [More]

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson

Directed By: Michael Gracey


17 Again (2009) 57%


Adjusted Score: 62565%

Critics Consensus: Though it uses a well-worn formula, 17 Again has just enough Zac Efron charm to result in a harmless, pleasurable teen comedy.

Synopsis: Mike O'Donnell (Matthew Perry) was a high-school basketball star with a bright future, but he threw it all away to... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Leslie Mann, Thomas Lennon, Matthew Perry

Directed By: Burr Steers


Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (2016) 64%


Adjusted Score: 73552%

Critics Consensus: Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising may not be strictly necessary, but it still wrings a surprising amount of humor from a recycled premise with a distaff twist.

Synopsis: Life is good for Mac Radner (Seth Rogen) and pregnant wife Kelly (Rose Byrne) until the unruly sisters of Kappa... [More]

Starring: Seth Rogen, Zac Efron, Rose Byrne, Chloë Grace Moretz

Directed By: Nicholas Stoller


High School Musical (2006) 67%


Adjusted Score: 63762%

Critics Consensus: High School Musical is brazenly saccharine, but it makes up for it with its memorable show tunes, eye-popping choreography, and appealing cast.

Synopsis: Troy Bolton (Zac Efron), the star athlete at a small-town high school, falls for nerdy beauty Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Anne... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel

Directed By: Kenny Ortega


High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) 64%


Adjusted Score: 68902%

Critics Consensus: It won't win many converts, but High School Musical 3 is bright, energetic, and well-crafted.

Synopsis: Amid preparations for a basketball championship, prom, and graduation, sweethearts Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) and Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens) vow... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel

Directed By: Kenny Ortega


Neighbors (2014) 73%


Adjusted Score: 83504%

Critics Consensus: With plenty of bawdy humor evenly spread between its well-matched stars, Neighbors earns its R rating -- and filmgoers' laughs.

Synopsis: New parents Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly (Rose Byrne) move to the suburbs when they welcome an infant daughter into... [More]

Starring: Seth Rogen, Zac Efron, Rose Byrne, Christopher Mintz-Plasse

Directed By: Nicholas Stoller


High School Musical 2 (2007) 83%


Adjusted Score: 83059%

Critics Consensus: Surprisingly better than its predecessor, High School Musical 2 returns to enchant tweens with its snappy songs, wicked dance moves, and peppy spirit.

Synopsis: During summer vacation, Troy (Zac Efron) gets a job at Sharpay's (Ashley Tisdale) resort but doesn't realize she has an... [More]

Starring: Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel

Directed By: Kenny Ortega


Hairspray (2007) 92%


Adjusted Score: 100662%

Critics Consensus: Hairspray is an energetic, wholly entertaining musical romp; a fun Summer movie with plenty of heart. Its contagious songs will make you want to get up and start dancing.

Synopsis: In 1960s Baltimore, dance-loving teen Tracy Turnblad (Nikki Blonsky) auditions for a spot on "The Corny Collins Show" and wins.... [More]

Starring: John Travolta, Nikki Blonsky, Amanda Bynes, Christopher Walken

Directed By: Adam Shankman

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Zac Efron receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame: 'It's a dream come true' - ABC News

Zac Efron receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame: 'It's a dream come true' - ABC News

ABC NewsVideoLiveShowsElection 2024538Interest Successfully AddedWe'll notify you here with news aboutTurn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? OffOnStream onCultureCultureZac Efron receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame: 'It's a dream come true'Jeremy Allen White, director Sean Durkin and Miles Teller celebrated Efron.ByAngeline Jane Bernabe December 11, 2023, 4:14 PM2:10Zac Efron poses with his star during his Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony on December 11, 2023 in Hollywood, Calif.Leon Bennett/Getty ImagesActor Zac Efron, known for his roles in "High School Musical," "The Greatest Showman" and more, now has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.In a ceremony honoring him Monday, Efron said "it's a dream come true" to have a star on Hollywood Boulevard."You have no idea how I'm feeling right now. It's so surreal," Efron said. "I've been acting and singing and dancing for as long as I can remember, since I was a little boy, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd be standing here today in front of such dear friends, colleagues throughout the years and lifelong fans who have been with me since day one. I love you guys so much."Zac Efron attends his Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony on Dec. 11, 2023 in Hollywood, Calif.Leon Bennett/Getty ImagesZac Efron poses with his star during his Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony on December 11, 2023 in Hollywood, Calif.Leon Bennett/Getty ImagesEfron also thanked his parents, who were in attendance, for their support over the years."Thank you so much, Mom, thank you, Dad," he said. "There's been a lot of sacrifices that you guys have made for me over my life, and and it couldn't have been easy, but thanks for believing in me. You're the reason I'm here today. So, it's very, very special. To have you guys both here means everything."MORE: See Zac Efron, Jeremy Allen White in trailer for 'The Iron Claw': Watch hereEfron became a household name with the Emmy Award-winning Disney Channel film franchise "High School Musical," in which he played Troy Bolton, alongside Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale and Corbin Bleu.High School MusicalDisneyEditor’s PicksZac Efron to star in 'Three Men and a Baby' remake for Disney+Zac Efron reveals his thoughts on a 'High School Musical' rebootSee Zac Efron's creepy transformation into Ted Bundy for movie roleDuring his speech Monday, he acknowledged "High School Musical" director Kenny Ortega and "High School Musical" producer Bill Borden, who were both in the audience."You guys were both instrumental in giving me my start in 'High School Musical,'" Efron said. "For that I'm just eternally grateful. I still think about it every day -- I sing the songs in the shower.""Go Wildcats," he added, referencing the film's catchphrase.Following "High School Musical," Efron went on to star in many projects including "17 Again," "Charlie St. Cloud," "The Lucky One" and "Neighbors." In 2017, he also starred alongside Hugh Jackman, Zendaya and Michelle Williams in "The Greatest Showman."In 2021, he earned an Emmy Award for outstanding daytime program host for his documentary series, "Down to Earth with Zac Efron." He was nominated again for the show's second season.(L-R) President and CEO for Hollywood Chamber Steve Nissen, Sean Durkin, Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Jeremy Allen White and Marc Malkin attend the Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony Honoring Zac Efron on Dec. 11, 2023 in Hollywood, Calif.Leon Bennett/Getty ImagesEfron's most recent film is the Sean Durkin-directed film "The Iron Claw," which is based on the true story of the Von Erich brothers, an American professional wrestling family. Efron, who portrays the wrestler Kevin Von Erich, stars in the film alongside Jeremy Allen White.MORE: Zac Efron visits East High from 'High School Musical'White and Durkin honored Efron during his Walk of Fame ceremony."The other day, I Googled what makes a great movie star," White said. "What I found made me think of Zac.""It said, 'Great movie stars can convincingly portray a wide range of characters,'" he continued. "'They excel in both leading and supporting roles. They tackle various genres and adapt to different time periods and settings. Their ability to become different people on screen is unparalleled.' These things are all true of Zac."Zac Efron, Jeremy Allen White, Stanley Simons, and Harris Dickinson in The Iron Claw (2023)Access Entertainment"He floats from piece to piece ... He chases change. He's also devastatingly handsome. He's kind, and he's endlessly hard working," White added. "But what I think I admire most about Zac is the way he supports his cast and his crew. He champions us. He wants us at our best all the time. To me, I think he's selfless. And he's ego-less. It's as if Zac Efron doesn't know he is, in fact, a movie star. So, we're all here today to remind him -- put a big star in the ground with his name on it."Kevin Von Erich was in attendance at Efron's Walk of Fame ceremony, as were Efron's friends, including Miles Teller, who starred with Efron in the 2014 film, "That Awkward Moment.""You are my friend and running mate. You're the man, the myth, the legend that is Zac Efron," Teller began. "He is more than deserving of this honor because for my generation, our generation, Zac was and is the first true superstar to really come out of our class."(L-R) Zac Efron and Miles Teller speak onstage during the Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony Honoring Zac Efron on Dec. 11, 2023 in Hollywood, Calif.Leon Bennett/Getty Images"Zac, it has been an honor to share the screen with you and to become your close friend and ally," he continued. "I've never once felt a competitiveness between us. And I've never wanted anything for you other than for you to succeed and to continue to let your light shine, brother. I am so proud of you for the man that you've become. And so, congratulations on having a star on Hollywood Boulevard, somewhere in between Kermit the Frog and Lassie. Keep on doing your thing, man. We'll be watching."Top StoriesAttorney pushing to disqualify DA Fani Willis testifies before Georgia Senate panelMar 6, 11:00 PMMom arrested after making drink for son to give to school bully that hospitalized himMar 7, 3:02 AMThese are the fastest-sinking coastal cities in the US, research showsMar 6, 11:01 AMColorado secretary of state after SCOTUS Trump ruling: ‘I did not bring this lawsuit’Mar 5, 3:16 PMSupreme Court doesn't exonerate Trump, to soon decide if he can be charged: ANALYSIS

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