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2024-03-07 21:30:55

“乌托邦”utopia与“优托邦”eutopia有什么区别? - 知乎

“乌托邦”utopia与“优托邦”eutopia有什么区别? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册城市规划乌托邦乌托邦主义城市地理学“乌托邦”utopia与“优托邦”eutopia有什么区别?格迪斯的书里有提到这两个词:Nor is this “merely utopian”, though frankly Eutopian.显示全部 ​关注者6被浏览22,740关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 1​添加评论​分享​1 个回答默认排序勃克夏​ 关注“乌托邦”(utopia)一词出自英国人文主义者托马斯·莫尔(ThomasMore)写于1516年的《关于最完美的国家制度和乌托邦新岛》(简称为《乌托邦》)一书。莫尔根据古希腊语臆造了utopia这个词,意思是“乌有之乡”或“不存在的地方”。莫尔的“乌托邦”常被后人指责为指称一个完全不存在的世界,一个纯粹虚构的尽善尽美的国度,源于人们对词义以及莫尔思想理解上的偏差。从词源学的角度分析,“utopia”是由“u”和“topia”两部分组成的。“u”来自希腊文“ou”,表示否定,“topia”来自希腊文“topus”,意思是地方或地区,两部分合起来意指不存在的地方,相当于英文里的“no-place”、“no-where”。同时,“u”也可以和希腊文的“eu”联系起来,而“eu”有好、完美的意思,于是“utopia”也可以理解为“eutopia”(优托邦),即完美、理想的地方。但当“乌托邦”一词的适用范围逐渐扩展,成为人文科学(尤其是政治学、社会学和历史学)领域各种想象中的理想社会或理想境界的通行语时,人们过滤了其本身具有的双关义中的“美好”,而仅剩“乌有”之义。并且,人们乐于反复引证托马斯·莫尔自己在《乌托邦》第二部结尾时的一段话予以确认,文中写道:“我情愿承认,乌托邦国家有非常多的特征,我虽愿意我们的国家也具有,但毕竟难以希望看到这种特征能够实现。”作为学城市规划的人很熟悉乌托邦这个词,尤其是关于欧文、傅里叶践行乌托邦理想,欧文甚至变卖家产建立协和村的实践是城市规划史上一次重要的实践,乌托邦实践尽管被定义为空想社会主义,但是其进步思想对后来的城市规划思想、理论(包括霍华德的田园城市)发展都产生了重要作用。这句话来自于格迪斯的《Cities in Evolution》,该书表达了格迪斯有机生长的城市发展观,前后结合起来看,就理解了。**The civic awakening and the constructive effort are fully beginning, in healthy upgrowth, capable not only of survival but of fuller cultivation also, towards varied flower and hit-flower in regional and civic literature and history, art,.and science; fruit in social renewal of towns and cities, small and great. Such renewal involves ever-increasing domestic and individual well-being, and these a productive efficiency, in which art may again vitalise and orchestrate the industries, as of old.Nor is this ” merely Utopian,” though frankly Eutopian. In matters civic, as in simpler fields of science, it is from facts surveyed and interpreted that we gain our general ideas of the direction of Evolution, and even see how to further this ; since from the best growths selected we may rear yet better ones.”**城市复苏和建设性的努力已全然开始,处于旺盛的发展之中,不仅是为生存,而且也是为更长足的发展,朝向各种各样的鲜花和果实——区域和城市的文学、历史、艺术及科学之鲜花;城镇社会复兴之果实,或著或微。此种复兴,涉及越来越多的家庭和个人福祉,在其蓬勃的发展过程中,艺术创作将会被再度激发,并与工业活动比翼齐飞,就像以前那样。这并非“只是乌托邦(乌有之乡)”,尽管老实讲,它确实有点优托邦(优美之乡)。关于城市问题,就像单一的科学领域一样,源自所调查和说明的事实,借此我们得到对进化趋势的宏观认知,甚至于预见其更长足的发展;因为,通过经由选择的最优化成长,我们能够培育出更佳的品种。帕特里克·格迪斯是一位苏格兰生物学家、社会学家、教育学家和城市规划理论家。他将生物学、社会学、教育学和城市规划学融为一体,形成了自己独特的城市理论观点。格迪斯借鉴勒普莱“人( Folk,另译为家庭) —工作( Work) — 地方( Place),三要素结构,认为“地方”环境的持续进化与人的日常生活关系密切,不可或缺。格迪斯将城市比作“有机生命体”,将生物学进化理论引入城市形态研究,并认为“物理形式是进化的关键”,其以植物形态做有机类比,说明它们如何组织以最有效地应用能源。这种城市观点和埃比尼泽•霍华德的田园城市理论一样,影响了整个20世纪城市规划理论的发展。著名城市规划理论家刘易斯•芒福德1938年提出的“有机规划论”,伊利尔•沙里宁1943年提出的“有机分散论”,都直接受其影响。来源:何谓乌托邦——对“utopia”一词的词源学考察_周黎燕格迪斯城市进化规律探索百年回顾与承鉴_薛威帕特里克·格迪斯的一生——把生物学、社会学、教育学融汇在城市规划之中_金经元《Cities in Evolution》Patrick Geddes《进化中的城市——城市规划与城市研究导论》帕特里克·格迪斯编辑于 2022-01-15 15:13​赞同 20​​1 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​​

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数智化—智慧城市_智慧园区_智慧社区—西井科技WestwellTopia生活要素数智化从城市每个毛细血管出发,赋予城市运营智慧汇聚更多智能解决方案,帮助居民向更美好生活无限靠近我们致力于用人性科技,打造一个智能化、平台化、数字化、生态化的数字城市以科技让城市生活更美好管理者视角 智慧不仅运用于时代尖端,也深入每一个基层社区。我们用智慧聚焦社区管理,以社区为单元,以人为基础,打造数字化美丽家园。AI智能,将社区居民信息归档,第一时间预判人员危险,还可高效利用社区车位等资源。尤其在疫情的关键时期,为每一位基层管理者减负增能,使他们更好地服务居民。从人生安全、民生保障、生活品质等方面,全面提升社区居民的获得感。小区居民视角 从AI到“爱”,我们不曾停步,只为让科技更有温度。我们将AI智慧融入生活点滴,从生活起居到健康状态,让孤老特殊人群备受关爱;智能摄像头实时反馈孩子的动态,为下一代的成长保驾护航;更在智慧的帮助下,进一步提升社区安全,让一切井然有序。更有无人接驳车,链接社区每个角落。AI让我们彼此联结AI也让我们走得更远我们社区目前已有 4000 余人居住,社区里流动人员多,我们了解情况要到处走,很难及时掌握信息。尤其在疫情期间,对于流动人员进出管理的需求尤为突出,我们每天都要花费大量人力严格管控。现在可以通过大屏幕第一时间了解人员进出情况与分析,对安防、防疫工作实在是太重要了。—— 村居工作者以前社区有些地方监控不完善,拥有许多盲区,存在许多隐患;而布设了监控的地方,由于社区工作人员有限,那么多摄像头的监控,很难做到时时掌控。现在全社区的摄像头,背后都介入了AI的图像识别与分析引擎,不仅安全无死角,还不需要工作人员盯着屏幕,省心更省时间。我们可以空出大量时间去更好服务居民。我们还在社区实现了数字孪生监管,精益化可视化管理,我们也高效与直观许多。—— 社区干部小区里有 2100 多户人家,只有 800 余个可用车位,停车实在难,特别要是回去晚了,更不知道哪里还有停车位。现在方便了,提前在小程序里预约,随时随地都有停车位。—— 小区业主更多智慧可能,由你探索继续探索「Novus生产要素数智化」 了解更多West View西井 · 西景Cosmo数智化生态环境Novus 生产要素数智化从产业凝聚的智慧出发,赋予产业更多的可能。西井坚持人性科技,让传统产业升级为可感知,可识别,可行动的智能产业…Topia 生活要素数智化从城市每个毛细血管出发,赋予城市运营智慧。汇聚更多智能解决方案,帮助居民向更美好生活无限靠近。我们致力于…PLAItform AI能力平台凭借Orwell底层算法算力,WellSpiking一站式AI开发平台,WellData整合数据平台,形成我们坚实的Al底座,Qomolo自动驾驶Loopo路舶智慧平台LinkAIge智能化咨询Careers加入我们News新闻故事 CNEN如您有任何问题,请联系我们If you have any questions,please contact us咨询我们服务与支持加入我们联系我们 法律条款 隐私政策 产品安全通告我们的产品Loopo Qomolo Cosmo 订阅号 服务号扫描二维码关注西井科技官方微信 Powered by Westwell© 2024 Westwell|沪ICP备15052011号-1沪公网安备 31010502006241号上海西井科技股份有限公司Contact Us联系我们姓名 电话 邮箱 公司 职位 留言 上传名片 提 交Service & Support服务与支持快速发现指标异常有效诊断故障原因7X24小时快速响应远程支持服务1 远程支持服务2 远程支持服务3发送邮件如果您需要详细的咨询,请联系我们的运维团队邮箱: wellcare@westwell-lab.com售后电话: +86-21-33356862(每周一至周日 9:00-18:00)联系我们服务支持回

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欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 topia是什么意思_topia的中文解释和发音_topia的翻译_topia怎么读






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This entirely reflects the author's thinking pattern of hetero-topia in his molding the image of China.这些都反映了作者构筑中国形象时采用是异托邦思维模式。Ko nga tama a Teraia, ko nga tama a Topia, ko nga tama a Nekora, e ono rau e rima tekau ma rua.他 们 是 第 来 子 孙 、 多 比 子 孙 、 尼 哥 大 子 孙 , 共 六 百 五 十 二 名 。声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件观点;若发现问题,欢迎向我们指正。显示所有包含 topia 的英语例句








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Learn More About Us - Topia Mobility Inc.

Learn More About Us - Topia Mobility Inc. skip to Main ContentLoginCareersPlatformGlobal Talent Moblity PlatformThe Topia One PlatformEcosystemSecurityVendor ManagementServicesPayroll & Financial ServicesProfessional ServicesTopia ProductsPlan: Scenario planning for your mobile workforce.Manage: Talent mobility dashboard with automation.Pay: Payroll delivery and compensation reporting.Go: Consumer-grade employee mobility tools.Compass: Remote work and business travel compliance.SolutionsGlobal MobilityBusiness Travel & Distributed Work ComplianceVisa & Travel Risk ManagementGlobal Immigration LibraryRemote WorkCity & Local Tax OptimizationOn-Demand Cost EstimatesTopia for Asset ManagersTopia for EnergyTopia for FinanceTopia for InsuranceTopia for TechCustomersOverviewCustomer SuccessTopia ResourcesResource LibraryROI CalculatorAdapt Survey Report 2023BlogCompanyAbout UsTeamNewsEventsCareersContact Topia Mobility Inc.Request a DemoOur MissionWe break down barriers between people and places so companies and individuals can work everywhere.In today’s increasingly interconnected global economy, Topia provides the Global Talent Mobility platform that empowers HR teams to effectively deploy, manage and engage employees across the world. We enable businesses to deliver mobility as part of a broader talent strategy and encompassing all types of employee movement – remote and distributed workforces, business travel, and more traditional relocations and assignments – with a focus on enhanced employee experiences.What We Do Topia offers customers a comprehensive, end-to-end platform to help them manage their distributed workforce in an efficient and compliant way. Whether employees are on short- or long-term assignments, working remotely or traveling between States or countries for business, Topia’s data-driven, rules-based workflow automation makes it easy for HR, global mobility, finance and payroll teams to navigate the complexities and risks posed whenever employees aren’t working from a fixed office location.Our ValuesBe Global CitizensWe think above borders, embrace diversity in perspective from our many nationalities, and provide a positive impact by giving back to our global community.Make Bold BetsWe solve big problems for our customers by making educated bets with imperfect information to deliver meaningful value and outcomes.Learn RelentlesslyWe embrace candor, debate passionately, and use deep intellectual curiosity and creativity to design the best solutions for our market, customers, and company.Collaborate RadicallyWe win and lose together as one team, with the highest levels of authenticity and empathy for each other as Topians and humans.Never Ever Give UpWe operate with grit and resolve, and embrace every stage and every day of our journey with passion, smiles, and laughter. We know that tenacity is the foundation of progress.Share our values? Let’s Talk. Explore Open PositionsSubscribe to Topia's BlogSign up for global talent mobility, talent strategy and HR best practices and industry insight sent directly to your inbox. PlatformThe Topia One PlatformEcosystemSecurityVendor ManagementServicesPayroll & FinanceProfessional ServicesGet StartedRequest a DemoContact UsTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyCode of ConductProductsPlanManagePayGoCompassSolutionsGlobal MobilityBusiness Travel & Distributed Work ComplianceVisa & Travel Risk Management SolutionRemote Work SolutionsCity & Local Tax OptimizationOn-Demand Cost EstimatesGlobal Immigration Librarytwitteryoutubefacebooklinkedin© 2024 Topia. All rights reserved.Site CreditsPlatformThe Topia One PlatformEcosystemSecurityVendor ManagementProductsGoManagePayPlanCompassSolutionsGlobal MobilityBusiness Travel & Distributed Work ComplianceRemote WorkGlobal Immigration LibraryVisa & Travel Risk ManagementCity & Local Tax OptimizationOn-Demand Cost EstimatesTopia for Asset ManagersTopia for EnergyTopia for FinanceTopia for InsuranceTopia for TechTopia ResourcesResource LibraryROI Calculator AccessSelf AssessmentAdapt Survey Report 2023BlogCompanyCareersAbout UsEventsNewsTeamRequest a Demo Back To Top×

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Topia - Global Talent Mobility Solutions for Enterprise Organizations

Topia - Global Talent Mobility Solutions for Enterprise Organizations skip to Main ContentLoginCareersPlatformGlobal Talent Moblity PlatformThe Topia One PlatformEcosystemSecurityVendor ManagementServicesPayroll & Financial ServicesProfessional ServicesTopia ProductsPlan: Scenario planning for your mobile workforce.Manage: Talent mobility dashboard with automation.Pay: Payroll delivery and compensation reporting.Go: Consumer-grade employee mobility tools.Compass: Remote work and business travel compliance.SolutionsGlobal MobilityBusiness Travel & Distributed Work ComplianceVisa & Travel Risk ManagementGlobal Immigration LibraryRemote WorkCity & Local Tax OptimizationOn-Demand Cost EstimatesTopia for Asset ManagersTopia for EnergyTopia for FinanceTopia for InsuranceTopia for TechCustomersOverviewCustomer SuccessTopia ResourcesResource LibraryROI CalculatorAdapt Survey Report 2023BlogCompanyAbout UsTeamNewsEventsCareersContact Topia Mobility Inc.Request a DemoA Workforce Solution that puts the “Global” in Global Talent StrategyTopia provides a unified Global Talent Mobility platform that enables companies to effectively deploy, manage, and engage employees anywhere in the world. Global Mobility For All Your NeedsSupport for all types of moves and policy frameworks including Permanent TransferLong and Short Term AssignmentsCommuters and RotatorsBusiness TravelersSupported Benefit ApproachesFully ManagedFull range of support and services,  minimizing effort and impact on employees.Managed BudgetSet budget for a particular move, employee selects services  from predetermined list of benefits.Core Global Talent Mobility Use Cases Scenario Planning and Cost EstimatesGet the insight you need instantly with Topia’s configured scenario planning tool. Real-time, automated calculations help you make more informed decisions and focus on mission-critical tasks. Learn MoreAssignment Case ManagementAutomate time-consuming processes so your HR team can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on talent strategy. Centralize all of your global mobility data with detailed reporting and analytics. Learn MorePayroll Delivery and Mobility CalculationsIncrease efficiency and accuracy while maintaining regulatory compliance. Supported by an experienced payroll team, our cost-effective solution is configured to your needs and integrates with the leading global payroll providers. Learn MoreEmployee Support and EngagementEngage employees with the tools and resources to take control of their relocations and assignments. Topia gives employees peace of mind about their move while painting a clear picture of life in their new destination. Learn MoreIntegration with HR tech and relocation vendorsConnect your HR solution ecosystem and vendors to create seamless workflows. With our integrated approach to technology, services, and data, Topia enables a single source of truth for your global talent mobility initiatives.Learn MoreRequest A DemoTopia provides the leading Global Talent Mobility platform, empowering enterprise HR teams to deploy, manage, and engage employees anywhere in the world.  The Topia platform automates the entire global talent mobility process, from scenario-based planning, compliance risk management, expat payroll, case management, reporting and more.Leading enterprise organizations trust Topia to deliver:Increased operational efficiencySuperior employee satisfaction and engagementAssured global complianceData-centric designTo see the Topia platform in action, fill out the adjacent form to request a demonstration.To request participation in an RFP, please send all requests and materials to rfp@topia.com. Subscribe to Topia's BlogSign up for global talent mobility, talent strategy and HR best practices and industry insight sent directly to your inbox. PlatformThe Topia One PlatformEcosystemSecurityVendor ManagementServicesPayroll & FinanceProfessional ServicesGet StartedRequest a DemoContact UsTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyCode of ConductProductsPlanManagePayGoCompassSolutionsGlobal MobilityBusiness Travel & Distributed Work ComplianceVisa & Travel Risk Management SolutionRemote Work SolutionsCity & Local Tax OptimizationOn-Demand Cost EstimatesGlobal Immigration Librarytwitteryoutubefacebooklinkedin© 2024 Topia. All rights reserved.Site CreditsPlatformThe Topia One PlatformEcosystemSecurityVendor ManagementProductsGoManagePayPlanCompassSolutionsGlobal MobilityBusiness Travel & Distributed Work ComplianceRemote WorkGlobal Immigration LibraryVisa & Travel Risk ManagementCity & Local Tax OptimizationOn-Demand Cost EstimatesTopia for Asset ManagersTopia for EnergyTopia for FinanceTopia for InsuranceTopia for TechTopia ResourcesResource LibraryROI Calculator AccessSelf AssessmentAdapt Survey Report 2023BlogCompanyCareersAbout UsEventsNewsTeamRequest a Demo Back To Top×